Sunday, September 12, 2010

Executive Trading Cards' 2009 Politicians Trading Cards Series 1/2 -- Box and Product Review --

Hey everybody,

This is the Cardboard Critic, and today I'll be reviewing a box of 2009 Politicians Trading Cards Series 1/2 so kindly provided to me by Executive Trading Cards. This is my first box break and review as "The Cardboard Critic", so I hope you'll send any suggestions or recommendations my way if you have them. I have also posted a less-comprehensive review on YouTube (  Without further ado, here is my review:

Cards received: 167/291

Judicial Branch cards received: 2/5 (Associate Justices Anthony M. Kennedy and John Paul Stevens)

Executive Branch cards received: 9/12 (Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar, Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood, Secretary of Education Arne Duncan, Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano, (2) Administrator of the EPA Lisa Jackson, U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk, and White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel)

White House cards received: 3/4 (Bo, Air Force One, and Marine One)

Short-printed cards received: 3/8 (Representative Nancy Pelosi, Senator Ted Kennedy, and Secretary Hillary Clinton)


Design: 4/5

The base card design is similar to American paper currency and provides for a very collectible base set. Simple, yet distinguished.

Innovation: 5/5

To my knowledge, this is the only product ever released that focuses exclusively on politics and political figures. It is innovative and unique in more ways than one and has the potential to revolutionize the historical/political realm of trading cards.

Bang for the buck: 3/5

If you choose to, you can sell your short-printed cards back to Executive. Therefore, you are guaranteed to be able to make at least a little bit back on your investment. However, without any truly outstanding inserts, this is a solid low-end product that carries the price tag of a high-end one.

Overall: 4/5

I voiced my only concerns (lack of interesting inserts, card size, price) above and in my YouTube video. Overall, though, I'm a fan of this product and am eagerly awaiting the release of more like it by Executive Trading Cards.

Card images can be found at and elsewhere on the internet. If you are interested in seeing the obverse or reverse of a specific card, I'd be happy to scan it if for you; just leave a comment. Thanks for reading and check back soon!